FACT-CHECK: "The Supreme Court Is all Ashkenazi secular left-wingers."

FACT-CHECK: "The Supreme Court Is all Ashkenazi secular left-wingers."

Every time a Coalition member refers to the composition of the Israeli Supreme Court, they reinforce the tired trope: The Supreme Court is all Ashenazi, secular, left-wingers.


The Supreme Court includes settlers:

There are three justices living in the West Bank, twice as many as are represented in the general population.

The Supreme Court includes religious people.

There are four religious justices on the court.

The Supreme Court includes Sephardim.

There are three non-Ashkenazim, 20%, on the court (plus one Muslim); another two justices have non-Ashkenazi spouses.

The Supreme Court is all left wing.

According to online sources, at least six justices on the current court are considered to be right-wing.

The current Supreme Court, in fact, has a composition not dissimilar from that of the overall population.