July 22


Friday 150 of Israel’s top businesspeople protested near the Knesset, with talks by Bank Leumi CEO Hanan Friedman and Bank Hapoalim CEO Dov Kotler, followed by a Shabbat reception with Rabbi Benny Lau and Racheli Frankel.


A Maariv poll shows elections today would yield 54 seats right wing coalition, 61 for center/left (National Unity 29, Likud 28, Yesh Atid 17, Shas 9, United Torah Judaism 7; and Hadash-Ta’al, Religious Zionism, Otzma Yehudit, Yisrael Beitenu, and Meretz all with 5.)


Word on the street is that government budget machinations threaten the opening of high schools (and middle schools?) in September.


Air Force reservists declining their voluntary service because of judicial overhaul up to 1,100+ as of Friday afternoon, (including, according to TOI, 235 fighter pilots, 98 transport pilots, 89 helicopter pilots, 173 drone operators, 124 air traffic control officers, 167 IAF headquarters staff, 91 training staff, 80 members of the elite search and rescue Unit 669, and 85 members of the Shaldag commando unit) and possibly another 10,000, according to latest reports. A letter to the government from many former heads of Mossad and Shin Bet and chief of staff, calling on PM Netanyahu for violating the social contract and expressing their support for those suspending their voluntary reserve service. “At this difficult time, this is an act of national responsibility, for the defense of Israeli democracy.”Economy Minister Nir Barkat of Likud party: “Those who choose to refuse to serve and are willing to neglect the security of the State of Israel do not deserve to wear the IDF uniform.”


Israel’s credit ratings may be being downgraded , because of a disparity between facts on the ground and information disseminated by the government.


Enormous number of protesters out tonight, everywhere from Karmiel to Eilat.
