July 27


Post Tisha B’Av


28% of Israelis considering leaving the country, according to a Channel 13 poll that queried 711 respondent (error margin of 3.7%)(A Harpaz study in 2018 then put the number of dual citizens at 800-900,000, about 10% of the population.)


Over 830 Air Force reservists, including over 260 pilots, have now announced their intention not to appear for their voluntary reserve duty.


Likud proposing bill to strip Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara’s power, giving the state attorney her traditional  right  to prosecute cabinet members. Likud later announced that PM Netanyahu wasn’t involved in the initiative, and that the bill wouldn’t be advanced.


Mako reporting planned takeover of communication/media by Ministry of Communications in latest bill by Likud.


National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has repeatedly said: “The reasonableness clause is just the tip of the iceberg, the appetizer to build up the appetite.”  If we have learned anything from history, it should be that when someone says something like this, they probably mean it.
