September 8

👉🏽 PM Netanyahu was not invited to the dedication of Jerusalem’s new courthouse happening next week, as several of the judges involved in his ongoing corruption trial will be there. Likud Justice Minister Yariv Levin and Religious Zionism Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich will boycott the unveiling in protest of Netanyahu’s lack of invitation.

👉🏽 PM Netanyahu again told Moody’s credit ratings agency, before their update next month, that judicial overhaul will henceforth be on a broad public consensus basis. Netanyahu gave the same promise to the Biden White House before the first overhaul bill in July passed with just 64 votes, non-consensually. Netanyahu also told Moody’s there will not be a government majority on the judicial selection panel, which Likud Justice Minister Yariv Levin has demanded. Moody’s downgraded Israel from positive to stable earlier this year as a result of the overhaul.

👉🏽 Maariv reporting that once again, PM Netanyahu’s trip to the US is in jeopardy because El Al pilots, mostly Air Force veterans, are refusing to fly him. Netanyahu will be at the UN, but no White House invitation has yet been forthcoming.

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